structural design A
Design of a commercial building in metal structure in Porto Alegre, RS
Discipline of "Steel Structural Systems" of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, UnB
The purpose of this exercise was to introduce the concept of high-rise buildings in steel. The work consisted of the pre-sizing of beams and pillars, the understanding of the bracing system, as well as structural, architectural and construction details, in a preliminary stage. The structural system was determined for all teams, varying characteristics such as project location, utilization function, type of slab and metallic profiles to be used. In this case, the building would be located in Porto Alegre, with a commercial function, its slab would be in steel-deck and obey the module of 6 m x 6 m.
University of Brasilia
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism
Steel Structural Systems
Prof. José Manoel Sanchéz
Contributors: Amanda Sicca, Luis Felipe and Vanessa Costalonga
4th semester - 1st / 2012
Project location: Porto Alegre, Brazil